The templates work on cell phones or computers.
Your download starts once you click on the link in your receipt. You also get an email with a link that is good to get the templastes for 30 days.
Sign in to Corjl using your email address and create a password.
Before you start customizing the labels. Hit save as and save a clean copy of the temaples so that you have it as backup in case you accidently do a real wammy on the template. Always nice to have a fresh copy as backup.
To make a tempate for yourself. There is a pic arrow at the top of the page to look at all the different templates and to customize the labels with your ingredients, business information, weight, colors, add your logo etc. Just click to change what you need to.
To print a template: Click the download button, choose pdf (Is a sheet of labels if you click print mulitples. If you have more than one page, you can choose to print all labels on one sheet, or chose one page full of one type of label.) or jpg (jpg is a photo.)which label sheet page you are doing, 1, 2, etc. and save to your phone or computer. Print to your printer.
There are 2 - 1/2 inch bands 7.5": wide." Bubble Bath templates to make 10 different labels.
I am available to answer any questions.
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